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英國大文豪莎士比亞在他的名著《哈姆雷特》里寫過這么一句名言:Brevity is the soul of wit.(言以簡潔為貴。)寫文章也好,說話也好,都要求生動活潑,簡單明了,因此,“簡潔”乃是一篇好文章的基本要求之一。
  英語句子中的某些成分因上下文已提供了充分明確的信息而不必出現(xiàn),或前面已出現(xiàn)的某些成分,為了避免不必要的重復,可以不再出現(xiàn)而不致引起誤解或歧義,這種語言現(xiàn)象就叫作省略。例如:Glad to see you. 這是個簡單句,主語I和謂語am可以省略。再如:London is on the Themes,and Paris on the Seine. 這是一個并列復合句,后半句省略了謂語動詞is,因為前面已經(jīng)出現(xiàn)過,后面不必重復。英譯漢時,為了使譯文明確達意,符合漢語習慣,要在正確理解原文的基礎(chǔ)上,對原文中省略的部分或保留或補全,或?qū)ζ溥M行靈活處理。

  1. The transcription needs a certain amount of editing,as even if the computer can tell the difference between words of similar sounds such as write and right,it is still not yet able to do the work as well as an intelligent secretary.
  第一層:The transcription 主 needs 謂 a certain amount of 定 editing,賓 as even if the computer can tell the difference between words of similar 狀語從句
  sounds such as write and right, it is still not yet able to do the work as well as an intelligent secretary.
  第二層:(狀語從句)as 引 even if the computer can tell the difference between words of similar sounds such as write and right,狀語從句1 it 主 is 系 still not yet 狀 able 表 to do the work 賓 as well as an inte- lligent secretary . 狀語從句2
  第三層:(狀語從句1)even if 引 the computer 主 can tell 謂 the difference 賓 between words of similar sounds 定 such as write and right 同位語
 ?。钫Z從句2)as well as 引 an intelligent secretary 主
  要點 本句中as引導原因狀語從句,其中該句還帶有一個由even if引導的讓步狀語從句;介詞短語between words of similar sounds修飾difference,such as write and right修飾words,as well as……為同等比較狀語從句,其中省略了與主句相同的部分。intelligent:有才智的;理解力強的。
  譯文 譯稿需要一定量的編輯工作,因為,即使計算機能夠區(qū)別同音異義詞,如 write和right,它仍不可能把這項工作做得像有思維能力的秘書那樣好。

  2. If a needle is thrown at random on a sheet of paper ruled with lines whose distance apart is exactly equal to the length of the needle,how often can it be expected to fall on a line and how often into a blank space?
  第一層:If a needle is thrown at random on a sheet of paper ruled with lines whose distance apart is exactly equal to the len- 狀語從句 gth of the needle,how often 狀 can 謂 it 主 be expected 謂 to fall on a line 賓 and 連 how often 狀 into a blank space?狀
  第二層:(狀語從句)If 引 a needle 主 is 系 thrown 表 at random 狀 on a sheet of paper 狀 ruled with lines 定 whose distance apart is exactly equal to the length of the needle 定語從句
  第三層:(定語從句)whose 引 distance apart 主 is 系 exactly 狀 equal 表 to the length of the needle 賓
  要點 這是復合句。在if引導的狀語從句中,ruled with lines 是過去分詞,作paper 的定語,whose……needle 是 lines 的定語從句,whose distance apart 的意思是“它們之間的間隔”。主句中and 后面是個省略句,省去了 can it be expected to fall.翻譯時可將英文的被動語態(tài)譯成漢語的主動語態(tài)。length:長度。rule paper with lines:在紙上劃平行線。
  譯文 如果把一根針隨機地投到一張紙上,紙上畫了許多平行線,它們之間的間隔等于針的長度,那么針落在線上的幾率是多少?落在空白處的幾率又是多少?

  3. All that a man has to say or do that can possibly concern mankind,is in some shape or other to tell the story of his love - to sing,and if he is fortunate and keeps alive,he will be forever in love.
  要點 本句是由and連接在一起的并列句。前一個分句的主干是All……is……to tell the story…… - to sing. all后面有兩個that引導的定語從句,第一個that從句修飾all,第二個that指代其前的that從句,翻譯時可表條件。to sing放在破折號之后,用以加強語氣,其后可視為省略了賓語the story of his love,to tell和to sing是并列關(guān)系。
  譯文 一個人應該說的或做的,只要關(guān)系到人類,那么都是以這樣或那樣的形式來講述乃至謳歌自己的愛的故事;而且,如果他是幸運的、有活力的,他將永遠是充滿愛的。


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